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Andie and youtube videos
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Okkkkayyy Hello again blogggg!
It's been quite a while since I've typed my thoughts on things. My granny died this Tuesday, we received the news on Wednesday and everything kind of went down that day. It was like rain suddenly gushed on you even though it was a perfectly sunny day. I couldn't really voice out what I felt at first. It hasn't really hit me either. I cried my eyes out but I feel like there's still some left but I can't seem to cry anymore. I've been trying to keep my mind off of it for ages, ending up with me being all hyper despite the usual reaction of grief. I rented out some books at the library and I've been reading some fanfics and I EVEN tried learning Sindarin O_O omg..what was I thinking? It kept my mind occupied for a while and I'm actually still doing it....silly me. But what can I do, today they cremate her and I didn't even get to say a few words before she went away which sucks...OKKAY change of topic before I get all mushy on you XD

I know I promised to change the skin on this blogg and I also promised to upload new youtube vids but OMG my internet is crazy lolz Once again my promises has been stunted by my internet, whom I swear is the Sauron from Lord of the rings for Frodo for Me...ughh does that even make sense? Anyways once the internet is fine I WILL definitely upload :D

till then....
c ya

Andie Mortis

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