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Andie and S.O.A.R Camp!!!
Sunday, October 4, 2009

Okkiee....As you all know I've been away at camp for 3 days and 2 nights. It was sooooooooo have no idea how tired I am...I didn't get any sleep coz lights were out at 12:00...but people were still hanging around outside the cabins and they were pretty loud haha sooo I'm totally sleep deprived...didn't sleep in the 2 nights...not a wink in the first night and I slept for 4 hours in the 2nd night...but that was coz I was so tired...I went to sleep at 3:00 O_O But despite me being was such an awesome experience!!! I made some new friends and I've gained back the confidence that I had when I was in N.Z...well not all of it...but I gained some of it back haha In N.Z I was just hardcore social up to the point where I would even talk to random people...=3=" but here I'm so quiet and I miss my old self that talked no matter what...I miss talking...I'm glad that I went to the camp because since I didn't know much people there I was forced to talk to new people and since they were new to me as well we were all pretty shy. And it made me feel like I'm not alone anymore in the whole shy thing haha At the end of the camp, everyone was not shy anymore and everyone just talked to each other. I've never been to camp before and I think that camp is pretty funn and it made me realize that I should do more service towards the community for God (church choir, reading from the bible at church and things like that)...except the lack of sleep and all haha

Anyways, I'm still trying to post up my songs on youchoob but my internet is so crapp that I still can't do it. T^T Oh well....please wait for it though!

P.S GAHHH school starts on Tuesday O_O plusss I don't wanna change into the summer uniform yet.
1. It's too long for almost reaches my ankles O_O it's either I'm too short or it's too big...please tell me that it's too big haha
2. It's still pretty cold...=3=" if I catch a cold I am so suing the school haha jokes!

-Andie Mortis

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