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Andie and her fishie
Sunday, October 11, 2009

I would like to dedicate this post to my fishie...Today my fishie, Rhio the 2nd died...Rhio was very different from the bunch. He was white-ish silver unlike the usual goldfish color of gold...In fact I don't even know if it's a mummy bought it at the goldfish shop so I'm guessing yes it is indeed a goldfish. Anyways...goldfish or not...this fish brought some happiness into my life. sounds weird that a goldfish brought happiness in my life...but a goldfish did. It's just the way that my fishies swam around happily in the aquarium that made me smile. I talked to them like they could talk back and that made me happy. I want to write a song for Rhio but I'm in a songwriter's block...I didn't even write a song for my grandma who recently passed away (R.I.P lola) but I will try my best to make a song for both of them....Perhaps I should make a song about loss in general...

So...To Rhio the 2nd...Hwangbuin...Rhio and Lola, I will try my best to make a song that will truly capture my love for all of you :]
I hope you are all together there in heaven

Love, Sarah Salvador

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